Fang Guide


Video quick-start

Complete Guide

Control Pattern:

Each control has five sub-controls associated with it. The top, largest control is the main control and changes the actual value. The four controls beneath determine how much that value is changed by moving in each of the four directions. For an easier time understanding the concept, the video walk-through might be of help.

Controls by menu item:

Main – Main menu

Save: Saves the controls and patterns as a preset file in the fang/ folder in the device’s directory
Load: Loads the controls and patterns of a preset file
BPM: Beats per minute. Left and right arrows nudge the timing forward and back. Note that this doesn’t change actual BPM, just sends the clock forward/backward to sync to other sources
Play: Select the scene to be played. 0 (box all the way to the right) plays nothing

Seq – Sequencer control

Rate: The rate of each step in bars
Clear: Clears all patterns
Notes can be toggled on or off for each step. Below the notes is a series of pads to trigger all the notes contained in the step for the sequence being viewed
View: Changes the current sequence you are editing

Keys – Playable keyboard

Play column plays whatever note you are holding down. Hold column starts a note when tapped and releases the note when tapped again

Arp/Note – Arpeggiator and note control

Bypass Arp: Bypasses the arpeggiator
Rate (ms): Controls the rate the arpeggiator sends notes at (0-250 ms). This rate is added with the sync rate
Rate (sync): Controls the rate the arpeggiator sends notes in bars. This rate is added with the ms rate
Gate: Controls how long the arpeggiator’s note is held (1-200% of rate)
Independent time: Enabled, the arpeggiator will start the timing whenever the first note is hit. Disabled, the arpeggiator will start the timing with the tempo
Steps: The amount of steps that the arpeggiator makes
Step Amount: How much each note is moved in semitones per step
Reset: Allows for the timing to be restarted and step to be brought down to 0 at a time interval
Scale lock: Every note that doesn’t belong in the designated scale will be moved into selected scale
Root: Root note of the scale
Mode: Scale mode ascending from major scale

Synth – Synthesizer settings except oscillator specific controls and filter. Effects in this menu are per note

Pitch: Pitch in semi-tones relative to note
Pitch envelope: Attack/release envelope for the pitch. Amount is in semi-tones
Random Pitch: Pitch is moved up or down randomly in the selected range. Small amounts can give a unison type of effect
FM: Oscillator B to A frequency modulation
Down-sample: Degrades the quality of the audio. Note this effect’s controls are independent per note and can have different settings for each note determined by what the accelerometer detects when the note begins
Delay: Note this delay’s controls are independent per note and can have different settings for each note determined by what the accelerometer detects when the note begins
Dry: The amount of the signal that passes through the delay that is unaffected
Wet: The amount of the signal that goes through the delay
Feedback: The amount of delayed signal that gets sent to the input of the delay
ms: The time the audio is delayed in ms
Noise Dry Amp: Sends a white-noise signal past the filter directly to amplitude envelope
Noise Filter Amp: Sends a white-noise signal to the filter

Osc A/B – Oscillator controls. Oscillators are identical except that oscillator B can frequency modulate (FM) oscillator A under the Synth menu

Pitch: Control the pitch in semi-tones
Type: Switch between a waveform that morphs between triangle and saw waves or sine and square waves
Wave Mod: Morph between waves
Wave Mod Env: Attack/release envelope to control wave modulation amount
To Dry: Send the oscillator’s signal directly to amp envelope past the filter
To Filter: Send the oscillator’s signal to the filter

Filter/Amp– 4-pole resonant band-pass filter

Freq: Adjust the frequency the filter is operating on
Pitch Follow: Adjust the frequency of the filter to match the frequency of the note
Q: Adjusts width of frequency band that is passing
Filter Env: ADSR envelope to control the frequency of the filter
Filter Amp: Volume of the filter
Dry Amp: Volume of the unfiltered signal
Amp Env: ADSR envelope to control overall amplitude of filtered and unfiltered signal
Amp Follow: Adjust the amplitude to match the pitch of the note
Amp: Multiply the output to adjust amplitude with precision

Effects – Effects applied to the synth’s voices

Reverb: Fade out to a reverbed signal
Formant Filter: Vowel filter that works by spiking volume at certain frequencies known as formants to make a vowel sound
Dry: Amount of signal to pass through formant filter
Wet: Amount of signal to go into formant filter
Freq: Base frequency of the formants
Voice: Highest pitched human vocal patterns to lowest
Vowel: Which vowel is shaped by the filter
Pitch Delay: A delay that can be repitched before being fed back
Amount: Apply more delayed signal and less unaltered signal
ms: Adjust the rate of the delay (0-250 ms)
Feedback: Adjust how much of the signal is fed back into the delay
Pitch: The amount the audio will be repitched in semi-tones
Bit Reduction: Degrade the audio by reducing the amount of bits of the output signal

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